International Workshops

From Area to Global Studies?, Bochum, März 2018

Zur Zukunft der regionalwissenschaftlichen Forschung

Inaugural Workshop of the Research Network "The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region 1800 - 2000"
Bochum, 8. März 2018


Mediterranean Mobilities and Borders, Istanbul, Juni 2018

2nd Workshop of the Research Network "The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region 1800 - 2000"
Istanbul, 21.-24. Juni 2018

Flyer siehe hier;  Tagungsbericht zum Download

Mediterranean Empires of the Interwar Period, Rom, März 2019

Geopolitics, Biopolitics, Chronopolitics

3rd Workshop of the Research Network "The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region 1800 - 2000"
Rom, 18.-21 März 2019

Flyer siehe hier; Tagungsbericht zum Download

Questioning the Mediterranean, Beirut, Oktober 2019

(Self-)Representation from the Souther Shore in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries

4th Workshop of the Research Network "The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region 1800 - 2000"
Beirut, 10.-12. Oktober 2019

Flyer siehe hier; Tagungsbericht zum Download


An Archipelago of Connectivity, Venedig, September 2021

Port-Cities, Hinterlands, and Islands in the Modern Mediterranean

5th Workshop of the Research Network "The Modern Mediterranean: Dynamics of a World Region 1800 - 2000"
Venedig, 27.-29. September 2021

Flyer siehe hier

The Mediterranean of Modernity, Berlin, 4 - 7 October 2022

Global and Regional Perspectives
6th Workshop of the DFG Research Network “Modern Mediterranean. Dynamics of a World Region”

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin
4.-7. Oktober 2022

in Kooperation mit:
Forum Transregionale Studien, Historicity of Democracy in the Arab and Muslim Worlds (HISDEMAB), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO), Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) Tunis and Universität Konstanz

Organizers: Manuel Borutta, Malte Fuhrmann, Nora Lafi, Esther Möller & Daniel Tödt




A convergence is taking place within the humanities and the social sciences: While global historians rediscover micro- and regional levels of analysis, area studies are refashioning themselves as transregional. What does this mean for the study of the modern Mediterranean? Current conflicts and crises have turned our attention to the region. Mediterranean studies are booming.Yet, since the latter continue to be a domain of scholars of pre-modern times and non-Western societies, the modern Mediterranean remains a historiographical blind spot. Though historical research on the Mediterranean of the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth century has grown massively during the last decade, the paradigm is still hardly established within the field of modern history where sub-, trans- and non-Mediterranean frameworks of analysis prevail. Since those area studies that do cover parts of the region (North Africa, Middle East, Western and Southeastern Europe, the Ottoman empire and Turkey) are either also in an early stage of trans-regionalization or limit themselves to intraregional dynamics, a comprehensive view is missing. In order to change this, our workshop will revisit the genealogy of Mediterraneanism, a genuinely modern representation system that excluded the region from the master narratives of modernity (1); discuss the place of the modern Mediterranean in the field of world history (2); compare the approaches of Mediterranean studies with those of neighboring and connected areas (3) and seas (4), and, finally, reflect upon the question how a history of the modern Mediterranean can be written (5-6). On a methodological level, we wish to define the relation of Mediterranean and global history with regard to the modern age, during which processes of regional and global integration overlapped and influenced each other on an unprecedented scale.

Tuesday, 4th October 2022

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Address: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Senatssaal, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin

Welcome & Introduction
by Daniel Tödt (Berlin) and Manuel Borutta (Konstanz)16.30 - 18.45

16:00 - 18:45
Beyond Mediterraneanism

Chair: Esther Möller (Paris)

Fernando Esposito (Konstanz):
What time was the modern Mediterranean?

Paul Sant Cassia (Malta):
How to do Mediterranean anthropology today?

17:50 - 18:05        Break

Joseph Viscomi (London):
On perspective and possibility in Mediterranean history

19:00 -20:30
Round Table:
The Modern Mediterranean in Global History

Chair : Georges Khalil (Berlin)

Manuel Borutta (Konstanz)
Ulrike Freitag (Berlin)
Julia Hauser (Kassel)
Khaled Kchir (Tunis)
Ilham Khuri-Makdisi (Boston)
Nora Lafi (Berlin)


20.30    Reception

Wednesday, 5th October 2022

Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin
Address: Kirchweg 33, 14129 Berlin

Welcome by Ulrike Freitag (Berlin) & Nora Lafi (Berlin)

09:30 - 12:00
Connecting Mediterranean & Sea Studies

Chair: Andreas Guidi (Paris)

Ulrike Freitag (Berlin):
Red Sea & Indian Ocean

Andreas Eckert (Berlin):
Atlantic Ocean

11:00 - 11:30 Break

Borut Klabjan (Koper):
Adriatic Sea

Dilek Akyalcin Kaya (Rethymno):
Eastern Mediterranean Sea

13:00    Lunch (ZMO)

14.30 - 18.00
Connecting Mediterranean & Area Studies

Chair: Cyrus Schayegh (Geneva)

M'hamed Oualdi (Paris): North Africa
Hannes Grandits (Berlin): Southeastern Europe

16:00 - 16.30  Break

Liat Kozma (Jerusalem): Middle East
Cristina Lombardi-Diop (Chicago): Sub-Saharan Africa           

18.00 Dinner /  Catering (ZMO)

Thursday, 6th October 2021

Leibniz Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin
Address: Kirchweg 33, 14129 Berlin

09:30 - 12:15
Writing the Modern Mediterranean I

Chair: Malte Fuhrmann (Berlin)

Space: Manuel Borutta (Konstanz), Comment: Jürgen Osterhammel (Freiburg)
Time: Fernando Esposito (Konstanz), Comment: Sebastian Conrad (Berlin)
Revolutions: Maurizio Isabella (London), Comment: Ilham Khuri-Makdisi (Boston)

10.45 - 11.00  Break

Kinship: Paul Sant Cassia (Malta), Comment: Lene Faust (Bern)
Violence: Patrick Bernhard (Oslo), Comment: Zeynep Türkyilmaz (Potsdam)
Tourisme: Jasmin Daam (Bonn), Comment: Valeska Huber ( Wien)

12.15  Lunch ZMO

14.00 - 18.40
Writing the Modern Mediterranean II

Chair: Fernando Esposito

Missions: Esther Möller (Paris), Comment: Nazan Maksudyan (Berlin)
Ideology: Fabian Lemmes (Bochum), Comment: Sana Tannoury-Karam (Beirut)
Media: Arthur Asseraf (Cambridge), Comment: Frank Bösch (Potsdam)              

15:15  - 15.30  Break        

Chair: Jasmin Daam (Bonn)

Migration: Nora Lafi (Berlin), Comment: Céline Regnard (Aix-en-Provence)
Cosmopolitanism: Malte Fuhrmann (Berlin), Comment: Rim Naguib (Berlin)
Illegality: Andreas Guidi (Paris), Comment: Cyrus Schayegh (Geneva)

16.45 - 17.00  Break

Chair: Fabian Lemmes (Bochum)

Trade: Sakis Gekas (Toronto), Comment: Funda Soyal (Istanbul)
Agriculture: Heinrich Hartmann (Hamburg), Comment:  Joseph Viscomi (London)
Environment: Joseph Viscomi (London), Comment: Heinrich Hartmann (Hamburg)
Africans: Daniel Tödt (Berlin), Comment: Cristina Lombardi-Diop (Chicago)

18.45 - 19.00
Feedback and Conclusions

19.30     Dinner (Speisewerkstatt, Nikolassee)

Writing the Modern Mediterranean

Writing the Modern Mediterranean
7th Workshop of the DFG Research Network “Modern Mediterranean. Dynamics of a World Region”
organisiert von Esther Möller und Manuel Borutta

Sciences Po Paris
5.-7. Juni 2023
